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If you haven’t been following along, this is a daily log I’m keeping to keep myself on course with the goal of “becoming a writer”. Each day I’m asking myself a set of questions, and then sharing my answers.
What Did I Accomplish Today to Be a Writer?
I did Day 11 of the 100 Words a Day Writing Challenge 2024 through LA Writer’s Lab.
I pre-wrote two posts – one for the 14th, and one for the 21st, explaining some more of why I take one day in seven to rest from writing. I pre-schedule these to publish, so that I can truly take a day off.
Stuff I find myself saying: I need to write that down.
– Jody Susan
How Am I Balancing the Different Aspects of Being a Writer?
I’m still maintaining my time slots for different aspects of writing and daily life.
Yesterday, I actually said “no” to an outing that felt like it would be too much. It’s not a word I use enough.
I do hope to make that trip happen sometime in the future; but right now, I just feel too over-taxed to enjoy adding on “one more thing”.
What I’m Doing About Building a Body of Work as a Writer
I tend to accumulate “little thoughts” that aren’t necessarily the components of a book. By being able to log them here, in these daily writing sessions, it feels like my words are less wasted than when I just stash them away on my laptop or random scraps of paper.
For a super-funny synopsis of this concept, check out josh Sneed’s Dry Bar Comedy explanation by clicking here (not that I’m funny all the time – I’m just pretty much always “writing”):
*Editor’s note: I do like the Amish, and I bet deep down, Josh really does, too.

I could go into a whole ‘nother post about the time my dad said, “I think the Amish are compromising their principals to be selling their noodles at Samsclub.”
I’m pretty sure Siri overheard this statement, and then she and my dad proceeded to have an interchange about the difference between the German word “Essen” and the “Essenes”.
I think I have that conversation recorded in a journal somewhere, maybe I’ll have to dust it off and put it on display some day.
What I’m Doing to Complete My Manuscripts as a Writer
Waiting for my printer to arrive. I did save myself a trip to Walmart (which for me is the biggest box store for miles around) by ordering an HP directly from Costco, along with a lot of paper, and an extra toner cartridge, so I won’t be stranded when the one included, runs out.
What I’m Doing to Grow My Website as a Writer
I’m working on my knowledge of “Alt text” for images. It sounds like being ADA compliant would give the search engines a green light to move my posts further up in the search results – plus, it makes my content more accessible to people who are visually impaired.
Speaking of which, I am considering recording an audio version of my posts. Not because I like to hear myself talk; but because I don’t.
People have asked me to do audio versions of my books; but I’m very hesitant, because of the high standard set by Audible, and also, because my voice isn’t all that strong. I’m thinking one good way to improve my vocal skills could be to read my posts out loud and put them on YouTube as practice.
I have bought a microphone and access to TwistedWave. I might as well make use of them.
There’s a lot less pressure when I’m just offering a product for free, than there would be with a paid version of a book.
What I’m Doing to Build My Blog as a Writer
Writing this, and I did two other pre-scheduled posts that should hit the fourteenth and twenty-first of this month.
Not so Fun Fact About Me: Everyday I get a Performance alert from Manage WP. I know something has gone awry with my website; but it overwhelms me to face figuring out how to fix it.
Yesterday, I decided to glue a bench back together that was stashed away in my parent’s attic, because I’m about to have guests and don’t have much in the way of seating. In the process of trying to fix the bench, I got wood glue on my shirt, skirt, and kitchen table and have been trying to “fix” those disasters.
That seems like a very poignant metaphor for my relationship with technology. I try to fix one thing, and end up with even more disasters, because I don’t totally know what I’m doing, and tend to be pretty clumsy – physically and technologically.
By the way, my couch cushions are placed nicely on the floor of my living room, while the actual couch is still in the garage, because I can’t fit it through the front door, and have only located three legs, anyway.
I wish I had all four; but I guess maybe that’s what stacks of already read books are for…
Maybe I’ll do all this writing just for the sake of propping up some lopsided seating someday…
What I’m Doing About Networking as a Writer
I nearly missed a super-important email that got buried in my inbox. I really need to make leaps and bounds to get that emptied. I’ve been setting a timer in the evenings, to clear out the clutter, because I don’t want to miss mail from real people and have them think I’m ignoring them.
What I’m Doing About Monetization as a Writer
Trying to decide if investing in another opportunity will be worth its return…
What I’m Doing About Social Media as a Writer

A Facebook group asked for permission to post this article about dealing with my mom’s dementia, so I joined their group, so that I can interact, if anybody comments.
What I’m Doing About Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a Writer
I’m still trying to figure out what info to put in the “Alt text” box on imaging, and hoping to start fixing my links, since I think they aren’t opening in new pages, like I intended.
I’ve heard AI “prefers” I don’t have readers open a new box to view my content, when clicking a link; but I hate not doing that.
When I read something and want to see another part, I use my fingers as tabs to separate the pages. It’s the same concept with opening a new window – I just think it makes more sense, otherwise I get too sidetracked.
What I’m Doing to Stay Organized as a Writer
Keeping up with a planner dedicated to writing goals, separate from my daily schedule. This way, I can fill in details and reminders without feeling like my pretty planner is becoming too cluttered.
This has helped me look ahead and stick to my goals by reminding me of the pace I’d like to keep.
Looking Back at My Writing Journey
When I started this series, on January 1st, I’d become almost too accustomed to things “not working out” with my plans. I’m totally admitting this posting series may flop; but there is something cathartic about having a routine and sticking with it.
Umm – I just looked that word “cathartic” up – it said it’s like a bowel cleanse. That’s not exactly what I meant. Maybe that’s what I get for using a big word. The backup definition is just plain “cleansing”.
Any Other Thoughts on Becoming a Writer, Random Rants, Tales, or Trials…
I just took a little break to rest my eyes and wrists – something I didn’t used to do during a writing session; but I am seeing the benefits of stepping away for just a few minutes.
During that time, I wiped the kitchen table down one more time, hoping to keep getting rid of that wood glue residue – and I took my bench project off the dining room table, replaced the tablecloth, and re-assembled the bench. Then I covered it with a blanket I had on hand and stuck a few throw pillows on one side (strategically covering up a spot on the windowsill that needs some paint).
Those little tasks, which produced order from chaos, gave my mind and eyes an opportunity to rest, and allowed me a chance to see more clearly what it is I’m aiming to say.
The instructions on the glue said to wait twenty-four hours before putting any strain on the furniture. Hopefully no one will fall through the bench. I guess that will be a story in and of itself. I’ll let you know if that happens.
Thanks for reading what I’m writing,
Jody Susan
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