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Between a broken lawnmower, an online memoir class online, the eclipse, and after effects of a gallbladder cleanse this was a strange mix of a slow moving but busy day.
I’ve finally set up my laptop that I ordered back in November. I was pretty loyal to the last one; but it kept freezing and stuttering on me, so I figured it was time to get this one out of the box.
Some people love getting new gadgets. Me? Not so much. Or rather, not at all. I just move on when whatever I had last begins to abandon me.
Testing out this new computer, I feel like I’m trying to drive in Great Britain. The “mouse pad” (or whatever it’s called) is backwards, and because of that, it’s beyond me how to remember to copy and paste right now.
At least the screen is bigger, to spare my eyes.
Speaking of protecting my vision: today I thought it might be a little naive to stand in my yard, staring at the sun, trusting my retinas to a cheap pair of cardboard glasses that look like they came from a 3-D theater. But I kept looking anyhow.
What Did I Accomplish Today to Be a Writer?
I did Day 99 of the 100 Words a Day Writing Challenge 2024 through L.A. Writer’s Lab.
“Day 99” sounds like a big deal to me – I think because it’s been so long since I’ve been able to be consistent with any kind of commitment. Getting to nearly one hundred days and still getting these daily journal posts done (plus the 100 word challenge) has been a big boost to my courage that I can keep making traction, if I will commit to taking little steps each day.
To facilitate publishing these posts in a more timely manner, I’ve been working in the background to preformat drafts for the rest of the year and am excited about the progress I made in that arena today.
One of my favorite books in school was called, “Cheaper By the Dozen” about a husband and wife duo who were efficiency experts and applied their motion saving principals to factories, WWII efforts, and ultimately to their entire household. I’ve been listening to the audiobook, and it’s been a reminder of how much I love systems that save time. That’s been part of my inspiration to make an assembly line to create the structure for these posts, so that all I do each day is fill in the words, rather than have to worry about images, categories, links and titles.
I also participated in my memoir class. We heard from two fellow-readers and checked in with each other to share progress as we work to complete our manuscripts. It’s encouraging to hear how other people are doing in this process.
Anyhow, I’d better wander down to the mailbox and get out in the sunshine while it’s still here.
Thanks for reading what I’m writing,
Jody Susan
P.S. I’d shared before that I’d like to start being better at looking back on how far I’ve come. Here’s my first “Journey Post”, which I shared in January. Reading it now, I’m thinking, “No wonder I was so stressed”. The feeling I got as I scanned it just now was of a tightly wound string, needing to be loosened some. I’m thankful life has slowed down some. It needed to:
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