My Journey to Become a Writer 03/11/2024 Post #71

Informative Image

Today the wind blew.

Spring is in the air.

Morel Mushroom season shall soon be upon us.

So will mowing.

I had to laugh when I drove home today, seeing my “yard” laying in my yard.

Last year I bought about twelve yards of “yard” (read: fake grass) from Hobby Lobby on a cardboard clearance spool. The plan was to have that serve as the front yard for my cargo trailer.

Plans changed drastically, and I’m now looking at mowing a yard that will take approximately two hours per week to keep trimmed, which is quite an upgrade from plastic grass with rubberized roots.

It’s kind of funny to me how life works, and how blessings can come our way so unexpectedly.

What Did I Accomplish Today to Be a Writer?

I did Day 71 of the 100 Words a Day Writing Challenge 2024 through LA Writer’s Lab and read an excerpt from my memoir, “About Trees” to the writing group I meet with. Another author also shared her work and feedback was given on each piece.

The part of my book that I shared today included the story of someone I knew who died of a heart attack. It hit pretty close to home, because I have been undergoing tests to see why my heart continues to skip beats. It’s tempting to be discouraged about the sense of weakness this has brought upon me; but looking back I can see some of my best work has come about as fruit from difficult times.

For that reason, I’m trying to keep my chin up and keep moving forward (while resting as needed). Hopefully soon I can get this manuscript checked off my To Do List and move on to finishing more projects. In the meantime –

Thanks for reading what I’m writing,

Jody Susan

Today at the hospital I was wondering what to say when people ask how I’m doing. Would, “My heart broke” suffice as an answer to “How is your health?’ I’m not sure; but reflecting on that thought reminded me of this post:
Today my heart has been overwhelmed from a physical standpoint; but my soul feels like it’s overflowing with thankfulness for how God sent His son to bind up the broken-hearted.


I'm not sure what to say here: I once got second place in a dog-look-alike-contest? I know how to fold a fitted sheet? I'm pretty much a poster child for social backwardness - at least as far as social media is concerned; but I have some stories I think I'm supposed to share and am attempting to do that here, in this space.

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