My Journey to Become a Writer 03/10/2024 Post #70

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Today’s my day off, so I’m writing this a day early.

Last week’s day of rest didn’t go as planned. I ended up in the ER having some issues that mimicked a heart attack. So far that organ is still ticking, so that’s helpful in continuing with this posting process; but what happened was also a red flag signaling me to slow down.

So that’s what I’ve been doing.

What Did I Accomplish Today to Be a Writer?

My plan is to regroup and refresh for the upcoming week. I’ve pretty much said no to almost every invitation this past week and cancelled several plans. Putting the brakes on for a while has helped me gain a better perspective on what it is going to take if I am truly going to “become a writer”.

It’s going to take a lot more time than I’ve given it lately, and a lot of boundaries, so that my days can be protected from distractions.

Trying to complete another run through my memoir has been hard to do, because I’ve been running from one place to the next so much. It’s time to settle in and get serious about getting that book done, so I can send it on to the agents that have said they are interested.

As for every day writing, I’m gonna take a guess and say I probably did Day 70 of the 100 Words a Day Writing Challenge 2024 through LA Writer’s Lab, and hopefully I also took a nap – maybe two.

Thanks for reading what I’m writing,

Jody Susan

Remembering back to times when my mom needed to recover helps me get perspective on the importance of rest:


I'm not sure what to say here: I once got second place in a dog-look-alike-contest? I know how to fold a fitted sheet? I'm pretty much a poster child for social backwardness - at least as far as social media is concerned; but I have some stories I think I'm supposed to share and am attempting to do that here, in this space.

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