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What Did I Accomplish Today to Be a Writer?
I did Day 61 of the 100 Words a Day Writing Challenge 2024 through LA Writer’s Lab. Lately, I’ve been so busy trying to “become a writer” that I barely seem to have time to write. It’s been frustrating; but I’m glad to at least have the daily discipline of writing a few pages first thing in the morning.
I also participated in Quiet Fridays with Al Watt, where writers gather online for a window of time to write together.
I made some major leaps and bounds in organizing and setting up a more manageable schedule today, so I’m hoping I will be able to dive back into my manuscript starting tomorrow.
I’ve told someone my goal to start writing daily between nine and noon (and making up that time on days I can’t). Saying it out loud seems to help me follow through more consistently.
What Am I Afraid of Doing Next in My Journey as a Writer?
I seem to have a real hesitancy to tell people know. Maybe it’s not wanting to disappoint them. Maybe it’s not wanting to disappoint myself. I don’t know; but I can see that it is the root of my stress.
So often I find myself sucked along by other people’s plans, unsure of how to root myself in my own.
I’m just plain too pliable. Maybe there is a bit of virtue in the art of being stubborn. I sure haven’t mastered it.
Stuff I find myself saying: You can make this writing business like a dairy and fill people’s cups to overflowing with milk, or you can let them keep cutting pieces off of you and allow them to kill the cow.
That sounds rather melodramatic.
I don’t think anyone is intentionally cutting pieces off of me; but I do feel like my time and attention keep getting hacked away at without so much as a “moo” of protest from yours truly. I need to become a better communicator, if I’m going to make any progress.
How Am I Balancing the Different Aspects of Being a Writer?
Today I went to work on my dry erase boards, mapping out a calendar for the next four months, and setting some quarterly goals. Tomorrow I hope to write out a plan for monthly, weekly and daily tasks in the following five categories:
- Home Management
- Office Management
- Content Management
- Research & Development Management
- Marketing & Distribution Management
I’ve also been working on making a schedule with blocks of time for each of those five realms.
What I’m Doing About Building a Body of Work as a Writer
This is pretty dorky (as is the word dorky); but I’m determined to get my manuscript cut down to a more manageable size, so I have organized a box I’m calling my “Manuscript Machine” with different file folders. I’m not sure it will work; but sometimes I need a more tangible way to organize my thoughts than just seeing words on a computer screen. I plan to revisit my outline tomorrow and start from there, so I will keep you posted on whether or not it works.
Thanks for reading what I’m writing,
Jody Susan
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