Prehab for a Possible Whipple Surgery

December 28th, 2021 – Post #27

We didn’t think my mom would ever travel again. If you missed the pictures of her spontaneous trip back to Wabash, Indiana, you can click here.

Catching up on some rest after her trip to Indiana

Thank you for your continued encouragement, prayers, and support. My mom met with a surgeon today to decide how to proceed. It sounds like her tumor is unchanged, and is still on her portal vein, which would further complicate an already major surgery. Because of this, and the difficulty she’s having with mobility, we weren’t sure if she would be a candidate for surgery.

My mom covered in toys

Her doctor is willing to operate; but has recommended she go thru a month of “prehab” first, to focus on getting stronger as she recovers from chemotherapy, a bout with diverticulitis, and some side effects from over-decorating the house.

In the meantime, her current therapy is playing balloon volleyball from the couch and hanging out with her two favorite shorties.

Thanks for all your love and care.

Sincerely, Jody

Find out what my mom is doing for pre-habilitation as she prepares for possibly having The Whipple Procedure.

*To read more on my mom’s cancer journey from the beginning, or share it, please click here:


I'm not sure what to say here: I once got second place in a dog-look-alike-contest? I know how to fold a fitted sheet? I'm pretty much a poster child for social backwardness - at least as far as social media is concerned; but I have some stories I think I'm supposed to share and am attempting to do that here, in this space.

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