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Well, hypothetically, I took a week off writing (though a lot of my activities revolved around that task). It did me good – I can’t say that I’m ready to jump back into this little blog, but I made a commitment, so here I am…
What Did I Accomplish Today to Be a Writer?
I did Day 295 of the 100 Words a Day Writing Challenge 2024 through L.A. Writers’ Lab and worked a long time trying to figure out the ends and outs of Scrivener, so that I can better organize my content. Like with almost all “time-saving devices”, I’m finding myself spending a lot of focused hours trying to familiarize myself with the way it works. Hopefully all that effort will be worth it in the end.
In other news, I caught way up on QuickBooks, so that’s a big relief.
My Current Home Management Strategies to Help Stay Organized as a Writer
Freezing smaller portions of food has sure been helping me save time with meal prep – and the mental taxation of trying to figure out what to fix…
Speaking of which, I think I’ll go fetch a fork…
Thanks for reading what I’m writing,
Jody Susan
The post down below from 99 days ago makes me wonder: “Is the phrase ‘color coating’ or ‘color coding’?” I really can’t say…
Recent Posts
Well, this is the last one. I did it. I wrote a post for every day of the year. It feels both monumental and like no bid deal. There were days I missed and made up for. I haven't made...
(12/31/2024) I slacked off on this yesterday, because I was trying to hit too many benchmarks with my website along with wrapping up logo and book cover designs. What Did I Accomplish Today to Be...