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It’s another day when I’m not totally up for posting here, but I just wanted to check in and say that I am making progress – and besides that, it’s three minutes until five p.m. and the sun’s still out, so that’s quite an accomplishment.
What Did I Accomplish Today to Be a Writer?
I did Day 262 of the 100 Words a Day Writing Challenge 2024 through L.A. Writers’ Lab, did more spatial-organization to have a tidy work environment, listened to some audiobooks on writing as a career, researched what other writers are doing on their websites, worked on compiling all the pickups I need in order to finish recording my audiobook, looked into creating courses (in case I need a side gig to make this writing thing viable), copy edited more of a novel that has a flashy cover (but a pitiful storyline between the pages), claimed my author name on good reads (exposing some of my rather pathetic publications), and wrote this very long sentence…
There was probably more, but I’m calling this a wrap.
My Content Management Strategies to Create and Schedule Manuscripts and Posts
I’m mostly just trying to cross the finish line with this manuscript about my mom. More should follow, but I need to figure out how to carve a path with this one before I move on to future projects. I feel like I’m at mile 21 in a marathon, and am running out of stamina. Time to dig deep…
Thanks for reading what I’m writing,
Jody Susan
The post down below from 99 days ago was a milestone, because the accident with my foot could have been so much worse. It could have been The End for me (at least here on earth). My piles of papers are getting smaller, and there isn’t a pile of dirt on me, so I’d say this was a good day…
Recent Posts
Well, this is the last one. I did it. I wrote a post for every day of the year. It feels both monumental and like no bid deal. There were days I missed and made up for. I haven't made...
(12/31/2024) I slacked off on this yesterday, because I was trying to hit too many benchmarks with my website along with wrapping up logo and book cover designs. What Did I Accomplish Today to Be...