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The weather is really starting to cool off. I guess I’d better gear up for the corn to come down and the cold to set in.
What Did I Accomplish Today to Be a Writer?
I did Day 253 of the 100 Words a Day Writing Challenge 2024 through L.A. Writers’ Lab and got another chunk of my audiobook recorded. We’re coming towards the home-stretch. It’s so tempting right now to try and plan out my next project, but I know I need to get this one across the finish line before I let myself get scattered.
My Current Home Management Strategies to Help Stay Organized as a Writer
My goal is to grab stuff from storage three times this week and sort through it. I did a donation drop-off today and am starting to get my kitchen set up. This morning I got my mower sent off for another round of maintenance and did some work in my yard. Mostly, I’m trying to keep things clutter-free. I got a meal plan done and made a shopping list, too. My plants are watered, and that’s about it. Those are my Monday tasks.
Tomorrow I plan to get the bathroom clean and accomplish a couple of other chores. It’s nice to have jobs divided up by days. I feel a lot less overwhelmed that way, which makes me more emotionally available to create a body of words.
Thanks for reading what I’m writing,
Jody Susan
The post down below from 99 days ago is about having a disciplined routine, which is still a lesson I’m trying to follow.
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