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I think I overdid it this week on staring at a computer screen.
My eyes have been pretty tired and more blurred than before, so I’m keeping this post short to spare them – since I don’t have a spare set…
What Did I Accomplish Today to Be a Writer?
I did Day 223 of the 100 Words a Day Writing Challenge 2024 through L.A. Writers’ Lab and spent the day “thinking” while I pulled weeds and planted seeds. My brain needed some manual labor to let it rest.
Last night I stayed up late doing a content edit for someone who is writing a memoir. It’s so fun to delve into the deeper layers of someone else’s story and watch them weave metaphors into their every day experiences.
I just need to remember to look up every now and again, because I get so absorbed that I strain my eyes…
How Having a CEO is Helping My Writing & Business Strategy
I’d tell you, but I’d have to look at my computer screen longer, and that’s “killin'” my eyes, so maybe next time around…
Well, I thought I was stopping for the day, but I wound up working on creating a gallery of supplemental material to go along with my audiobook about my mom.
Coming Soon: “Can Cancer Be a Gift?”
I’m pretty excited about how this will take care of a lot of little details I couldn’t quite figure out how to move forward with.
Thanks for reading what I’m writing,
Jody Susan
The post down below from 99 days ago talks about my idea for essays on trees, and today was spent lopping away at some – and needing to shut my eyes…
Recent Posts
Well, this is the last one. I did it. I wrote a post for every day of the year. It feels both monumental and like no bid deal. There were days I missed and made up for. I haven't made...
(12/31/2024) I slacked off on this yesterday, because I was trying to hit too many benchmarks with my website along with wrapping up logo and book cover designs. What Did I Accomplish Today to Be...