My Journey to Become a Writer 08/09/2024 Post #222

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Wow – three twos all in a row. The year is really humming along.

Today I began reaping and reseeding my buckwheat crop, which reminded me that what we plant eventually begins to multiply.

All the words I’ve been sowing over the last several years seem to be finally starting to bear fruit as well.

What Did I Accomplish Today to Be a Writer?

I did Day 222 of the 100 Words a Day Writing Challenge 2024 through L.A. Writers’ Lab and participated in Quiet Friday. Then, I cut out early to go record another section of my audiobook. I still can hardly believe I’m really doing that. It’s been good to go through this process – sometimes painful, sometimes funny.

I’ve begun to make a list of other projects I want to record – this feels like a fresh field for my writing to take root in.

My Marketing & Distribution Strategies for Publishing & Improving My Platform

My first officially published piece is due to come out in October. I’m not sure if I will have to do more edits. Actually, I think I have some other submissions coming forth in September, but I don’t know the release date for sure.

I had to come up with a fifty word bio to include for my memoir piece. It made me laugh. Maybe I’ll share it here soon.

Today I began making plans for creating a photo gallery to accompany my audiobook. Changing mediums from a print manuscript to something people hear makes for a lot of little details that need to be tended to, like word choice for descriptions, and added “author’s notes”. On that note –

Thanks for reading what I’m writing,

Jody Susan

The post down below from 99 days ago asks questions I’ve been finding answers to this week. It’s fun to look back and see what I’ve learned:


I'm not sure what to say here: I once got second place in a dog-look-alike-contest? I know how to fold a fitted sheet? I'm pretty much a poster child for social backwardness - at least as far as social media is concerned; but I have some stories I think I'm supposed to share and am attempting to do that here, in this space.

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