My Journey to Become a Writer 07/23/2024 Post #205

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It’s 4:57 P.M., and I’m starting this post: a huge improvement in my time management.

Dare I even add an exclamation mark?


I did. That’s how glad I am.

Today was a big one as far as decision making goes. I decided to step back by a few big bounds by bowing out of my Monday Memoir group, not signing up for a Rewrite Group, and asking to have another meeting switched to a day that is more conducive to my schedule.

Here’s a look at some of the correspondence that came from me as a result:

To the Monday Memoir Group:

Hi Everyone, 

I’ve been doing quite a bit of thinking today about this next season of life. This morning I was looking at the corn I’m surrounded by. A few weeks ago we had a major windstorm which left a lot of the corn bowed down to the ground. I thought the crop would be lost. 

Over time it popped back up, but I didn’t notice until yesterday that it did that by releasing its original roots and producing a whole new set.

Roots of a corn. The older roots have been raised up in the air, and a new set has sprouted.

Something about it reminded me of my life this last year and things I’ve been struggling with letting go of or holding onto.

I have so appreciated this group and the supportive way everyone has held each other up.

I have learned so much and been stretched beyond my comfort zone in many good ways. In some ways though, I’m realizing I need to stand on my own feet. If I had unlimited time, I’d be thinking differently, but right now, I’m realizing I’m trading in writing time to be in writing groups. I think if I am to delve deeper into the writing process, I’m going to have to let go of the roots that have been helping me stay propped up. This feels like a painful process to let go, but I think for now it’s what I need to do.

It looks like I’m scheduled to read August 12th. If someone would like to take my slot, please do. 

I really appreciate all your kindness and support. I hope this makes sense.

Much love,


Brand new roots - the old ones are suspended in the air.

And then, to the guy who teaches on Tuesdays:

Hi ——,

I think this is the day you’re planning to solidify the rewrite class. I’ve been thinking through all that and have come to the conclusion that I’m not in a place where I can give 100% to the class. 

I think it would be better for me to wait until the next round. I’m realizing that I write much more effectively when I’m not overwhelmed, and to make another commitment right now would probably pull me further away from moving forward with my writing goals.

Thank you for considering me for this round, and please keep me on the list for the next. Thank you,


I feel so relieved in pulling back for a season.

What Did I Accomplish Today to Be a Writer?

I did Day 205 of the 100 Words a Day Writing Challenge 2024 through L.A. Writers’ Lab and did some major rearrangement to my schedule and commitments. I also did quite a bit to clean up my office and edited a chapter that a friend shared with me. I would like to expand my editing services, so this is good practice. It also hones my writing skills as I learn to spot places where scenes can be expanded through dialogue and action.

My Office Management Strategy to Cut Down on Distractions as a Writer

By dropping the Monday class and deciding not to do the Tuesday group, I have made a major move towards protecting my “office time”. I’m so excited about that. Today I got through a bunch of paperwork, bundled receipts, and began eliminating emails (and hitting unsubscribe on a lot of them). I even had time to be “on hold” a bunch trying to deal with a hospital bill and didn’t lose my patience being disconnected or being spoken to in a condescending tone.

Thanks for reading what I’m writing,

Jody Susan

Confession: When the lady asked, “Can you spell your last name?” I was tempted to be sarcastic – especially since she’d not-so-helpfully explained that the Emergency Room is for “EmerGent” situations. 🙂

The post down below from 99 days ago deals with taxes and seems so ironic, because I had to face my box of receipts today – the one I wasn’t going to allow to become a pile…


I'm not sure what to say here: I once got second place in a dog-look-alike-contest? I know how to fold a fitted sheet? I'm pretty much a poster child for social backwardness - at least as far as social media is concerned; but I have some stories I think I'm supposed to share and am attempting to do that here, in this space.

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