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It’s 7:30 P.M., and my wrists have been buzzing for a while. I’ve written almost all day and don’t know for sure if I’ve made progress.
What do I do with leftover words?
Are they like extra clippings from a pie crust? Can they be pressed into thin spots, or popped into the oven like a little dumpling? Maybe I ought to hide them away in my mouth.
Speaking of food, I’d better finish this and find some dinner before my blood sugar drops too bad.
What Did I Accomplish Today to Be a Writer?
I did Day 171 of the 100 Words a Day Writing Challenge 2024 through L.A. Writers’ Lab.
I worked for hours and hours on this memoir piece that’s due the 30th.
I read a fellow-writer’s second draft, and we had an online meeting about changes she might make, and brainstormed through my story for a while. I’m glad we got to do that. Feedback helps when I hit a wall.

It’s strange to see how popular the eggs in the vending machine post has become, and also to have people following me because of it; but there you go. I’ve never had this many views for one video. Some things don’t make sense, especially in the world of social media.
My Content Management Strategies to Create and Schedule Manuscripts and Posts
I wrote, and wrote, and wrote today. Now I need to remember story structure in a rote sort of way, so that I don’t go down too many rabbit holes and begin to babble.
Thanks for reading what I’m writing,
Jody Susan
This look back from 99 days ago is a good reminder that I’m further along than before, and that what my teacher said is still true:
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