My Journey to Become a Writer 06/05/2024 Post #157

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It’s 9:21, and I’m ready to be done.

These daily posts have seemed a little sparse lately.

I’ve been told I need to build my social media platform, if I’m to be published. I was pretty discouraged about that when I first heard it; but since then I’ve enjoyed just adding videos that I would probably have taken anyway. I do a lot of thinking while I walk, so I’m considering this hike in Switzerland “writing research”.

A steep trail with lots of tree roots
It’s been a while since I did much in the way of serious trail running; but these roots made me want to take up that sport again. So fun.

I’m embarrassed that I might be coming across like an Instagram junkie. I just wanted to post this extra video today in praise of Emily Morrow’s book, “Really Very Crunchy”.

I posted this video as a collaboration with Al Watt over at L.A. Writers’ Lab. I’d never done that before, so it meant gaining a new tech skill in the process:

A window being opened to a view of green hillsides with trees and vineyards.  An old Italian village is on the next hilltop.
The view from my window was like waking up in a storybook world

What Did I Accomplish Today to Be a Writer?

Aside from fiddling around on Instagram, I did Day 157 of the 100 Words a Day Writing Challenge 2024 through L.A. Writers’ Lab and continued to format my manuscript about my mom’s journey through pancreatic cancer and dementia.

I was asked to send in a “headshot” to someone who has asked me to give a testimonial for their website. I was wracking my brain wondering what to send; but finally decided to just take this beside the barn since the sun was about to go down. I wished I had paid attention in fourth grade, so I wouldn’t have been hit in the tooth with a not-so-soft softball, because one tooth is darker than the rest, and it really shows up in pictures.

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Jody Susan Purcell is a writer. She is the owner of Jody Susan Writes LLC and can be found at Jody Susan Writes dot com

I’m still working on learning Alt Text, so I added the caption to the back end. I didn’t mean for it to pop up here; but there it is. Oops.

I should add, “She is very awkward about taking selfies that will actually be seen by the general public and posting them online only makes it worse.”

What is Alt Text for Images and Why You Should Use it in 2024 – JodySusanWrites

I contemplated learning photoshop to “fix” the tooth; but got too tired to care.

I also filled in a volunteer form and went way beyond the preset lines for answers. I’m too much of a storyteller not to take up every bit of blank space.

And I did some laundry for some kids and found what I think was a centipede at the bottom of the washer. Apparently one of them had been playing with it and probably stuck it in their pocket. And I found a few dead mice in my cellar, which I still need to get the courage to take care of. Yuck!

Okay, I’d better go to bed. I’m going to have a blank expression staring into space if I don’t get some sleep.

Thanks for reading what I’m writing,

Jody Susan

I just read this next post from 99 days ago, and it sure seems to follow this same theme of needing more sleep:


I'm not sure what to say here: I once got second place in a dog-look-alike-contest? I know how to fold a fitted sheet? I'm pretty much a poster child for social backwardness - at least as far as social media is concerned; but I have some stories I think I'm supposed to share and am attempting to do that here, in this space.

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